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Why You Need to Move Into the Cloud


The past 18 Months have shown us that working remotely is just as important as being in the office. This is why we have now created a Cloud option for Quadpro systems. Remote working may have been previously impossible to undertake due to security concerns over access via outside networks, however, advances in network security from providers have made it much safer to utilise.

Quadpro Cloud is hosted on a dedicated server where access can be limited to only those who require it, and ensuring that no unapproved users can get on. Your data is also stored in a secure system with specified access allowed.

We list these reasons below:

Secure Access & Storage

Quick Assistance



Customer Experience

Secure Access & Storage:

Most concerns from IT departments centre around the access – who and where can access the system if its in the cloud? We introduced IP lockdowns to ensure only approved IP addresses can gain access to the Quadpro Cloud server. This arrangement is flexible and can be adjusted to tighten security in line with your organisation’s requirements.

Quick Assistance:

With on premise servers, we often need to seek permission to access your system to assist, this can cause delays and reduce your capability of using the system. Hosting Quadpro in the cloud can eliminate waiting times and help us help you in the shortest time possible to ensure you can continue working.


Installing updates or undertaking quick fixies can mean that the system will need to be taken offline to do this. With cloud-hosted software, Quadpro can be updated out of hours and repaired instantly if required.


On-premise training has been very difficult to do because of the ongoing pandemic and in most instances, IT departments will need to approve of any remote access. Quadpro Cloud comes with remote access software on each server account meaning we can offer short training sessions, advice, or troubleshoot any queries you have at a moment's notice.

Customer Experience:

Whether you need to work remotely or often work from different locations on site, we can provide easy access to the Quadpro system and still ensure that the system security is upheld to your organisations requirements. We strive to provide the flexibility to work and can configure this from any approved PC.


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