Facilities management can often be mistaken for being the day to day running of property and assets along with repairing or moving items around the site. Proactive maintenance ensures you can keep repair costs low and reduce the chances of asset failure or extended damage to property.
How does proactive maintenance work?
Knowledge is power in this area of facilities management, and knowing how your assets function and when they need servicing is the key to squeezing the most life out of them. Utilising Quadpro, you can detail every part of an asset and its requirements in the asset register. This can provide you with that information to help you create important maintenance schedules for your assets and reduce the chances of having to undertake lengthy reactive repairs.

By easily creating an assets lifetime of maintenance events, you can track and action important tasks ranging from compliance to routine checks on the assets rate of depreciation to make sure you are getting the most out of them.

How can I apply this to my properties?
The same can be utilised within your property portfolio whilst tying in with compliance. Completing a regular conditioned survey of your main building structure and fabric elements is useful in knowing where any upcoming planned repairs would be needed or identifying possible risks that can occur if not attended to over time. This can be completed using our mobile surveying module where you can input survey data ranging from roof slate properties to the types of flooring used in your offices. This information collaborates within Quadpro to provide an estimated cost of upkeep works over time and helps you prepare for costs ahead.

Property is not just about physical structure and requirements but also how it complies with industry and HSE standards. For instance, a building can contain lift equipment, asbestos or a hazardous materials store. All of these require constant review and upkeep to ensure they are safe to work with. Utilising the compliance feature on each property provides a tailored approach to compliance and our alerts warn you when a compliance category is due.

If you would like assistance in setting up your asset register, asset maintenance schedule or property compliance routine to collaborate with your Proactive Maintenance tasks, please let us know and a member of the team will be happy to help.