Every school has countless assets and liabilities. Many of you will perhaps think of your buildings as one of the liabilities, but with a well thought out asset management strategy and the right advice you can change that. The seemingly never ending maintenance, the continuous requests for more and better facilities and the unremitting drain on funds and resources can become a building stock to be proud of creating a positive advertisement for the school.
Quadpro are experts in helping organisations get the best from their building stock. Whatever stage your organisation has reached in your property planning we can help. With 25 years experience of working with schools and the higher education sector we understand the pressures on both scant resources and the school’s management. Our Quadpro estates management software provides the natural home for all your estates information. As your staff use Quadpro to process job requests, works orders, condition surveys and projects the system gathers data to help you build your strategic plan. Running reports on expenditure, monitoring KPIs for internal and external trades and provides the basis for analysis that informs the best way forward.
Our way of working is approachable and our advice will help you with all the aspects of asset management and types of assets you need to consider.
Our staff have worked with a complete range of clients, large and small in both the Independent and public sectors. We can analyse and help manage your problems - be they lack of space, overstretched budgets, tricky works programming or difficult design requirements. By listening to your needs and consulting with every one of the interested parties we ensure the solutions we provide are well received, affordable and appropriate.
Our experience includes complete new schools; adding significant extensions; major alterations and additions.
We also help at the earliest stages in the management process, developing strategic plans for organisations.

Quadpro is built to support all aspects of the accommodation strategy process. Our experience is particularly pertinent as the schools agenda moves away from completely re-building schools and back to the pre-BSF era where there was a premium placed on spending limited money to maximum effect, working to improve, extend and enhance existing accommodation.
Where would you like us to start?
To succeed we have needed to apply an holistic approach and develop actively managed solutions that are adaptable and enduring. This now enables us to deploy a wide range of skills which are strongly embedded in our office.
Quadpro software can assist in many areas:
• masterplanning, to provide a framework for development and change now and in the future;
• curriculum analysis: working with the school to best match teaching need to space and test the adaptability of solutions to future change;
• briefing records and consultation notes: to engage with teachers, pupils and parents;
• project and design management, to ensure that solutions are cost effective and deliverable and can be implemented while schools remain operational;
• monitoring effect on the environment and cost in use;
• document and drawing management to create designs to both support and inspire learning activities.
Our asset management software can assist you to turn your problem assets into appreciating ones.
Click below to email us and we will call you for a chat to see where the opportunities lie.