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Electronic Estates Management: Why you should ditch the paperwork.


The working world changes rapidly with each financial year, new staff bring a new way of working along with new tools of the trade. Estates Management is one that we have seen change a lot – especially over the past 18 months. Throughout the pandemic, estates teams have needed to adapt or refine the way they operate to ensure the continued operability of their assets, staff and property.

We outline below why the next step you should take is towards paperless processes.

What is Paperless?

For example, if your current process involves a customer* calling up to report a broken door in their room, this is then written down by the call taker. That information is then physically passed to a team leader or directly to the assigned operative who will either add it to their paper filer or keep in their pocket as they work their way through their tasks.

Tracking the status of that Job is very difficult unless you are able to directly contact the operative, the customer will not know what is going on. This can also apply to management who are trying to keep tabs on their team throughout the day. Last but not least, paper ticketing can be very difficult to use in historic data reports, leaving you in the dark over team performance, potential asset failures and much more.

Why Should I go Paperless?

Going Paperless has a multitude of benefits for your short and long term estates strategy. It can drastically improve response times, help operatives complete more jobs, help you track every ticket status and lastly, save on printing and paper costs.

One of our clients recently transitioned to a paperless process utilising mobile devices for assigning and managing their Job Requests via the Quadpro Web Portal. The process is very easy and consists of a main administrator directly assigning these tickets to a team or operative who are notified instantly via email when the new job is added to their workload.

Digitising your estates process can also help you build a knowledge base about your organisation, such as identifying problem assets, areas or poor performance in conjunction with our reporting system. If you require an internal audit on your assets for example, you can bring up all related tickets to a particular asset, which in turn helps you determine how to deal with the asset going forward.

How Can I move to a paperless process?

Whether you are an existing Quadpro client or are interested in the system, we provide a tailored approach to going paperless. We discuss at length how you currently operate and offer best practise advise to have a paperless ticketing system that works for you.

In short, moving paperless can help you reduce response times, increase productivity, staff performance monitoring and save on printing costs – with the small bonus of helping the environment through less waste.


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